
An explanation of many of the terms that you will find within the pages of our website:

  • CARDING  –  disentangling the fleece, so that each fibre is able to move freely
  • COMBING  –  separating long fibres (Top) from short fibres (Noil) and removing Neps
  • CONING  –  winding the yarn onto cardboard cones ready for use
  • COTTING  –  as in a ‘cotted fleece’ – an animal with a matted or felted fleece
  • DAG  –  dung-contaminated wool
  • DRAWING  –  machine pulling and stretching of the roving, to reduce weight and thickness
  • DRYING  –  drying…
  • GRADING  –  preferring and choosing wools for a particular purpose
  • HANKING  –  winding from a bobbin into a hank or skein, prior to washing the finished yarn
  • NEPS  –  short, lumpy fibres
  • PICKING  –  pre-carding operation which opens the fleece for more effective washing
  • ROVING  –  a thin, even, loosely twisted rope of fibre
  • SCOURING  –  washing
  • SKIRTING  –  removal of soiled edge of the fleece
  • SLIVER – untwisted continuous length of fibre
  • SPINNING  –  production of yarn
  • STAPLE  –  the individual locks of fleece – from the outer tip to the cut
  • WASHING  –  the use of water and detergent to remove dirt, etc.
  • WOOL BREAK  –  an interruption in fleece growth, caused by stress or deficiency, resulting in a break of the staple
  • YARN  –  the finished product from spinning – consisting of fibres of wool, alpaca or mohair, or a combination